TUSYAD in ESSKA May 2013 Bulletin

TUSYAD was founded in 1987 in Izmir by Professor Dr Veli Lök when
sports injuries were the main focus of the society. Sports Traumatology
was added to the focus and title of the society in 1993. The
history of arthroscopy in Turkey dates back to the seventies, long
before TUSYAD was formed. The first Turkish symposium on knee
surgery was held in 1976, and the first Turkish delegation attendance
at an international arthroscopy course was in April 1977 (held
in Nice, France).The first Turkish arthroscopy course was delivered
in Ege University’s School of Medicine, Izmir in October 1977, organised
by Professor Lök with Professor Ejnar Eriksson as instructor.
Articles on arthroscopy began to appear in 1979. TUSYAD
members have contributed to KSSTA and ESSKA’s congresses.
The society now has over 300 members, spread over six branches.
These branches are named after the cities of Istanbul, Ankara,Izmir, Antalya, Aydın and Adana.
TUSYAD’s first Congress was in 1991 and is staged every two
years rotating between Istanbul, Antalya, Ankara and Izmir with
the local branches being responsible for organisation. Many
leading experts and colleagues from all over the world attend. A
pleasurable tradition of the congress is the selection of an Honorary
President. This honour is bestowed at each congress to a
prominent figure who has made an outstanding contribution to
the education of our colleagues.
27-28 September 2013: Autumn Meeting in Istanbul.

  • Konu:
    TUSYAD in ESSKA May 2013 Bulletin
  • Haber Eklenme Tarihi:
    24 Ocak 2018 Çarşamba
  • Konum:
    Türkiye Spor Yaralanmaları Artroskopi ve Diz Cerrahisi Derneği
  • Yayında geçen süre:
    6 yıl önce
  • Paylaş:
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